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Posters will be displayed starting on Monday, on the corridor of the main building of the ‘Babeș-Bolyai’ University, according to the order in this list.
The poster session is scheduled for Wednesday, 26th September, in the afternoon.
1. | Mariana Andone-Rotaru | The ceramic “industry” at Potaissa |
2. | Gabriel Andreica | Roman amphorae from Sarmizegetusa Regia |
3. | Adrian Ardeț, George Bounegru | Imitations and local amphora products in Roman Dacia |
4. | Carlotta Bassolli | Dinamiche culturali e scambi commerciali: i contesti ceramici dai nuovi scavi di Bithia (loc. Chia, Domus de Maria, Cagliari) |
5. | Maja Bausovac, Jure Krajšek | A Late Roman pottery assemblage from Celeia, Noricum |
6. | Martina Benková, Vincenzo Castaldo, Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone |
A tepidarium turned into a pottery dump: local production and import in a Roman bathhouse |
7. | Federico Biondani | Il mercato ceramico a Regium Lepidi (Aemilia) dal periodo repubblicano al tardo antico: prodotti regionali e importazioni |
8. | Dorel Bondoc | Roman painted pottery from Cioroiu Nou and its distribution in southern Dacia |
9. | Nadezhda Borislavova | Sub-Rhodian amphorae in the Roman province of Thrace |
10. | Macarena Bustamante Álvarez, Elena H. Sánchez López | El alfar romano de Cartuja (Granada, España). Resultados de las nuevas intervenciones |
11. | Valentina Capradossi, Sofia Cingolani, Dimither Condi, Roberto Perna, David Sforzini, Ludovica Xavier de Silva | Hadrianopolis and the valley of the Drino: crafts, economy and trade relations of the Roman city through the analysis of materials |
12. | Viviana Cardarelli | Dai bolli alle officine. Nuove riflessioni sulla circolazione urbana della sigillata italica a partire dai recenti scavi nell’area degli Horti Lamiani (Roma) |
13. | Vicenzo Castaldo | From North Africa to Campania: Trade and local imitations of African cookware. |
14. | Rita Chinelli | Ceramica comune con motivi iconografici da Vindobona (Pannonia) |
15. | Sofia Cingolani, Ludovica Xavier de Silva | Imitations trends in local pottery production: glazed and unglazed coarse wares from Hadrianopolis |
16. | Cristina Crizbășan | Moving throughout the Empire: Batavi auxiliaries and their impact on the local community at Războieni |
17. | Tatjana Cvjeticanin | Boosting up crafts: rites and local production of pottery |
18. | Jasmina Davidović | Terra sigillata imitations in Sirmium |
19. | Dan Augustin Deac, Ștefan Honcu, Dan Elefterescu | The stamps and tituli picti of the Dressel 24 similis amphorae from Durostorum (Moesia Inferior) |
20. | Christiane De Micheli Schulthess | Produzioni locali, importazioni e esportazioni dall’attuale Canton Ticino (Svizzera) |
21. | Zdravko Dimitrov, Nikolai Rusev | Terra sigillata from Ratiaria – evidences from the latest excavations 2013-2017 |
22. | Fabiana Fabbri | From the Lacus Focensis to the Mediterranean through the Arno River, and back: economic relationships in the inland waters trade networks of a Northern Etruscan area in Roman times |
23. | Iulia-Alexandra Farcaș, Zaharie Moldovan, Nastasia Pop | A chemical analysis on organic residues found on the bottom of some amphorae from Potaissa (Dacia Porolissensis) – research hypotheses |
24. | Isabel Fernández García, Manuel Moreno-Alcaide | Doña Mencía: un centro receptor de la Terra Sigillata Hispánica de Los Villares de Andújar (Jáen, España) |
25. | Antonio Francesco Ferrandes, Mirella Serlorenzi | Cultura materiale e storia urbana a Roma tra l’età di Cesare e la tardo-antichità. I nuovi dati dall’area degli Horti Lamiani (Piazza Vittorio e Piazza Dante) a Roma |
26. | Gabriela Filip | Snake decorated vessels from the Roman settlement and fortress in Cioroiu Nou |
27. | Marzia Giuliodori | Ceramiche fini tra importazioni e produzioni locali dai contesti tardi dell’Edificio Sud a Gortina (fine VII – inizi VIII secolo) |
28. | Marta Gómara-Miramón, Begoña Serrano-Arnáez, Oscar Bonilla-Santander | The villae of Piecordero I. A rural high-imperial settlement in the Conventus Caesaragustano |
29. | Maria Stella Graziano | African products and imitations at Ostia (Rome, Italy). New data from the Ostia Marina Project |
30. | Bianca Elena Grigoraș | Storage vessels from Dinogetia |
31. | Barbara Hajdu | Terra sigillata from a cellar in Brigetio’s civilian town |
32. | Ana-Cristina Hamat, Adrian Cîntar, Viorel Ștefan Georgescu, Alexandru Hegyi | The Ramna Odu-Verde Roman pottery workshop. From fortuitous discoveries to new research methods |
33. | Francisco Javier Heras Mora, Albert Ribera i Lacomba, Jordi Principal | Louteria helenísticos en Pompeya (IT) y Risan (Montenegro) |
34. | Giordano Iacomelli | L’apparato epigrafico sulle anfore dello scavo degli Horti Lamiani. Considerazioni sulle reti di approvvigionamento del mercato di Roma |
35. | Iulia-Alexandra Iliescu | Late Roman kitchen ware recently discovered at Histria – Imports and local products |
36. | Zita Limp–Kis | Early lead glazed ceramics from Brigetio, Pannonia |
37. | Barbara Lepri, Lara Pozzan, Roby Stuani | I contesti tardo-repubblicani dal Foro di Grumentum |
38. | Bernd Liesen | Late Roman coarse ware from Xanten / Colonia Ulpia Traiana |
39. | Sara Loprieno | Orikos in Late Antiquity: analysis of a lagoon port through ceramic data |
40. | Valentina Mantovani, Ivana Ožanić Roguljić | Sarius cup from Zuta Lokva (Roman Dalmatia). Preliminary analysis report |
41. | Archer Martin | Imported mortaria at Schedia (Western Delta, Egypt) |
42. | Zvezdana Modrijan | Coarse and imported pottery from Ančnikovo gradišče, Slovenia |
43. | Manuel Moreno-Alcaide, Begoña Serrano-Arnáez, Pablo Ruiz-Montes, María Isabel Fernández-García | Globalization, change and resilience in the archaeological site El Laderón (Doña Mencía, Córdoba, España). Study of defensive system materials of the Iberian-Roman oppidum |
44. | Miriam Napolitano | Contributo alla conoscenza di Nora in età tardo-antica: il contesto ceramico del “vano G” |
45. | Cătălina-Mihaela Neagu, Ionuț Bocan, Mihaela Simion, Decebal Vleja | The luxury pottery from Micia between local and imported products |
46. | Adriana Panaite, Krzysztof Domżalski | Tropaeum Traiani in Late Roman trade network and road system – the fine pottery evidence |
47. | Roberto Perna | The relationships between Africa and Crete in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine period on the basis of the new data from the south of building in the Byzantine House District at Gortyna |
48. | Jaume Puigredon Boixadera, Joaquim Tremoleda Trilla | Importación y producción local en la Hispania Citerior Tarraconensis (s. I a. C. – I d. C.). Estudio funcional de las cerámicas del sector 200 del área suburbana de Empúries |
49. | Paul Pupeză, Adriana Isacu, Cosmina Cupșa | Dacian pottery in Roman contexts. The fort from Căşeiu (Samum) |
50. | José Carlos Quaresma, Rodrigo Banha da Silva, Rachel Guimarães, Filipe Sousa, Catarina Felício |
Shop nr. 1 from Mirobriga (Santiago do Cacém, Portugal): ceramic evolution of the Late Antique levels |
51. | Julia Rabitsch | Terra sigillata imitations from Brigantium / Bregenz (A) |
52. | Eleonora Rossetti | The commercial and productive vocation of a rural settlement near Bologna (Italy): first results about the amphorae from the site of Maccaretolo |
53. | Nikolai Rusev | Roman amphorae from Anhialo |
54. | Christa Schauer | Late Hellenistic and Roman lamps from Olympia and Lousoi – a comparison |
55. | Giulia Schwarz | Ceramiche da fuoco, sistemi di produzione e abitudini alimentari alla fine del VI sec. d. C. Novità dall’area degli Horti Lamiani (Piazza Dante, Roma) |
56. | Stefania Siano | New data on production of thin-walled pottery from Beneventum |
57. | Katalin Sidó | Double and simple moneyboxes from the Roman site of Călugăreni (Mureș county) |
58. | Aude Simony | Local and imported cooking wares from Western Egyptian Delta |
59. | Alina Streinu | Drinking and dinning – table ware from the East Bath complex in Labraunda (Milas), Turkey |
60. | Roby Stuani, Valentina Mantovani | Terra sigillata decorata a matrice di media età imperiale da Verona. Produzioni locali o importazioni? |
61. | Ioan-Călin Timoc | Pottery diversity in the Roman castellum and vicus from Pojejena (Caraș-Severin county) |
62. | Inês Vaz Pinto, Ana Patrícia Magalhães, Patrícia Brum, Filipa Araújo dos Santos | Ceramic contexts of Workshop 23 from the first phase of production of Tróia (Portugal) |
63. | Catarina Viegas | Late Republican and Early Empire common ware in southern Lusitania (Algarve-Portugal): the Italian imports |
64. | Paola Ventura, Paola Maggi | L’importazione di ceramiche fini orientali ad Aquileia. Nuovi dati dalle vecchie collezioni del Museo |
65. | Leyla Yorulmaz | Hellenistic pottery of Kurul fortress |
66. | Elisa Zentilini | Materiale ceramico da un pozzo della domus del Mitreo a Tarquinia: le importazioni e le produzioni locali |
67. | Zuzana Žigová, Vera Klontza-Jaklova | Fine red wares from Late Roman / Early Byzantine Priniatikos Pyrgos (Crete) |