The Institute of Archaeology and Art History of the Romanian Academy at Cluj-Napoca

The Institute is performing fundamental research in Prehistory of Transylvania and Banat, Roman Dacia, migration and Early Mediaeval period, as well as Mediaeval art and architecture of Transylvania and rescue excavations. The archaeological excavations and theoretical studies of the members of the Institute are well-known in Romania and abroad due to many research projects and publications. The Institute is editing in foreign languages the archaeological yearbook Ephemeris Napocensis (ERIH Plus, SCOPUS, NSD) and the art history yearbook Ars Transsilvaniae (ERIH Plus) as well as numerous series and occasional publications. Among the main archaeological sites directed by the Institute’s members it is worth mentioning the Roman fort and town at Porolissum (Sălaj County), one of the most important monuments of the national archaeological heritage.
